AX 2012 - Make SSRS Report Using SQL Stored Procedure

Today we will learn how to create AX SSRS reports using SQL queries/Stored Procedure
Open SQL management studio and navigate to your dynamics AX database. Create a new stored procedure.

Write the query in store procedure according to your need.


Open Visual studio and create a new project.


Select template: Microsoft Dynamics AX, Project: Report Model

Right click on your project in solution explorer and add Report Datasource. This will be your SQL Datasource.


Change the provider to SQL.


Provide your SQL Connection String.
Server = <your server name> ; database = <your database name> ; Integrated Security=SSPI

Now Add new Report.


Right click your Report and add Dataset.

Give the dataSource to your SQL datasource which you just created above.

Datasource type could be query or stored procedure. In our case we created a stored procedure , so we will use stored procedure.

Now navigate to query property of dataset.

Select the stored procedure you want to use.

Test it by supplying a default value and clicking execute.

Notice your dataset is now filled with fields and parameter which comes from stored procedure.

Make the design according to your need.

Deploy the report.

ADD the report to AOT.

To run the report you need a menu item.
Create an output type menu item.

Properties of menu item:
Object Type: SSRSReport
Object : <your report name>
ReportDesign : <your report design name>

Now you are ready. Run the Menuitem and supply value to parameter accountNum which we created in stored procedure.

Report displays the results.

Hurray, you are done….! J



  1. Great!! Thank you for the valuable post.

  2. I am using AX 2012 R3. I have follow all of the step with (Integrated Security=SSPI). But when I try to select the store procedure name it give me error "Login fail for user [MyUserName]"

    How I can tackle this issue.

    1. Please check the permission of the user in SQL and AX.

    2. We are using client server environment. As I am developer and I have maximum rights on network. I have enough rights in AX as well. The reports developed using RDP are runnning fine. This report also working fine if I create my user in SQL server. But this is not good solution, as defining 100+ users in SQL Server is not good practice.


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